I don't really favor the horror movies too much, but Insidious was frickin' AWESOME. I found the initial buildup to be quite enthralling without too much OMFGIT'SRIGHTBEHINDYOU moments. It didn't put a lasting scare into me, it was just kind of scary as I was watching it. The ending was really nope.jpg and I loved it. XD Watch it even if you don't like horror movies. I'll hate you if you don't.
On another note, my best friend who I'm pretty much in love with (she shall henceforth be known as Bears) started a new website and she asked ME to design her banner! (Since I mess around on Photoshop a lot.) It's hard to explain the pride that this gives me. Whenever she's done messing around with its HTML because she's a wizard like that, I'll post its URL for everyone who cares.